New Single: "All and Everything"

I've got a new song out today called "All and Everything".  It's a song about that thrilling feeling of finally having a breakthrough after years of searching.   

This is a really personal song for me.  It was inspired by my wife, Jenner.  I overheard her talking to her sister on the phone and she was so excited that her business was starting to take off that she could hardly get the words out.  She told her sister "It's all... It's everything I've been working for all these years."  About two hours later I brought my acoustic guitar upstairs and played her this song.  I could hardly get through it I was so emotional.  I was so happy for her time to shine. 

I think a lot of people can relate to this song.  The searching.  The years of dedication to a goal.  Working toward a vision that other people can't quite see.  And when you finally get there people people might call you an overnight success.  

Enjoy the song. And YOUR  time in the spotlight. 

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